The package is on a platform that is under the helipad. Go in it and it will take you to the roof. #58- Theres an open door on the VCN building just to the right of the VCN sign. Go across the walkway and it will be infront of a store with sale signs on the glass displays. #43-Opposite side of the Vynal countdown store. The package is behind the "Jock Sport" sign.

Around the outer northern area there are a few signs. #41- In this area there is a dirt track for an RC race or a dirt bike. #24- You might be able to get this during the mission "Trecherous Swine" Without a helicopter, but i can't confirm this. #15-In the police station up in the offices. #14-On the taller building directly behind the police station. #5- In the underground carpark across from the pier.